Behavior & Training Resources

For owners of dogs that have been declared vicious, or anyone who would like extra obedience training, please go to our Behavior Modification page for those resources.

At the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter, we believe in science, especially when interacting with our pets. We support a Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive (LIMA) approach to behavior modification and training. LIMA describes a behavior consultant who uses the least intrusive, minimally aversive strategy out of a set of humane and effective tactics likely to succeed in achieving a training or behavior change objective. It also requires consultants to be adequately educated and skilled in order to ensure that the least intrusive and aversive procedure is used. LIMA does not justify the use of punishment in lieu of other effective interventions and strategies.
According to the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), “positive reinforcement should be the first line of teaching, training and behavior change considered, and should be applied consistently. Positive reinforcement is associated with the lowest incidence of aggression, attention seeking, avoidance, and fear in learners.”
When looking for behavioral support for your animal, keep in mind that your animal should be treated with compassion and kindness at all times. Aversive training methods – including, but not limited to, the use of physical punishment, shock, choke or prong collars – can have extremely negative side effects and fall out for your companion animal. The potential effects of punishment can include: aggression, suppressed behavior (preventing the consultant from adequately reading the animal’s behavior), increased anxiety and fear, physical harm, a negative association with the owner or handler, increased unwanted behavior and new unwanted behaviors.

Prior to looking for a trainer/behaviorist, we urge you to read the following website: Humane Hierarchy (

The Santa Cruz County Animals Shelter recommends and supports trainers/behaviorists credentialed through International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) or certified through Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT).

International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants

Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers

Additionally, we recommend and support trainers/behaviorists that have attended the following Academies: Karen Pryor’s academy; Jean Donaldson’s academy; Pat Miller’s Peaceable Paws.!directory/map

Santa Cruz County Positive Reinforcement Trainers

Good Dog Santa Cruz
Mardi Richmond, CPDT-KA
Mardi Richmond is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and a Certified Behavior Counselor. Mardi has been a student of dog behavior and training for almost 30 years, and has been helping others to train their dogs for over 20 years.

Clear Mind Canine
Heather Ross
831 222 0211
Serving Felton, Ben Lomond, Central Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley
I offer private lessons specializing in puppies, reactive dogs and competition training.

Dogs in Good Hands
Carla Braden, Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Certified Canine Behavior Consultant
Serving Santa Cruz County for behavior consultations, Santa Cruz for good manners training
Specializing in fear, anxiety, aggression, reactivity, and training together through the first year.

Fresh Start Dog Training
Joanie DeNeffe
831 332-9777
Serving Santa Cruz. Behavior consultations and coaching. Working with newly adopted dogs and families in transition. Specializing in fearful anxious dogs. Creating positive strategies for problem behaviors.

Pacific Paw LLC
Michelle Nolan & Debra Finfer
Santa Cruz, Capitola and parts of Soquel
Pacific Paw provides group dog walking, daycare and training services with an emphasis on providing mental and physical stimulation for your dog in an environment where they can thrive and have fun!

Paws First Dog and Cat Training
Leslie Miller
Areas served: Santa Cruz and local area
Specializing in cooperative care/husbandry, preparing for vet visits for both dogs and cats. Will work with your vet care team to help prepare your pet for veterinary visits and procedures. Also, small group classes and private training for both dogs and cats (online).

Santa Cruz SPCA
Petra Woosley
Santa Cruz, Aptos, Scotts Valley
Fearful dogs, Dog reactivity; Basic manner classes

Two Paws Up!
Lee Morrow
Facebook page – @TwoPawsUpWatsonville
(831) 319-0199
Serving South County and Santa Cruz
I offer private coaching sessions outside your home and in some instances, walk and train sessions. Lately I have been enjoying helping puppies and newly adopted/rescued dogs and their people get off to a good start.

Wunderdog Training
Kelly Vaillancourt

Serving Santa Cruz County. Walk&Train program offers positive methods for training leash reactive dogs. Shelter-to-Shine program offers private training sessions for newly adopted shelter dogs at discounted rates.

Sandi Pensinger, CPDT-KA

Online Training Resources–Trainers, Classes, Videos

Kikopup YouTube Videos
A library of fantastic free videos 

Fenzi Dog Sports
Online classes, webinars, and workshops for pet dog people and dog sport enthusiast

Absolute Dogs
Online training programs

Dogs That
Susan Garrets Online Training Programs

Katenna Jones ScM, ACAAB, CCBC, CDBC, Fear Free Certified Cat and dog behavior consultant located in RI /

Erika Lessa CDBT, CDBC, CPDT-KA, Fear Free Certified Dog behavior consultant located in Rehoboth, MA /

Trish McMillan cat, dog and horse behavior consultant located in Mars Hill, NC /

Christopher Pachel Portland, OR /

Michael Shikashio, CDBC

The Collared Scholar

Good Pup

Dog Walkers, Pet Sitters, Vet Tech Services

Home Healthcare for Pets
Heidi Miller
Mobile Vet Tech Services
Heidi Is a Registered Vet Tech and Certified Professional Dog Walker providing medical and non-medical pet care services and dog walking in Santa Cruz County.

Woofpack 831
WOOFPACK is a hiking day camp for dogs! WOOFPACK  provides a comfortable, family-style environment for the dogs while their parents are away, whether for the day or on vacation.

Pacific Paw LLC
Michelle Nolan & Debra Finfer
Santa Cruz, Capitola and parts of Soquel
Pacific Paw provides group dog walking, daycare and training services with an emphasis on providing mental and physical stimulation for your dog in an environment where they can thrive and have fun!

Surf City Dogs
Simone McKenna, Certified Professional Dog Walker
“New client intake form” through website
Serving Scotts Valley, Felton, Ben Lomond
Individual Dog Walks, Walk and Train Walks