Before you Adopt
Adopting a companion animal is most likely a 10 – 15 year commitment. Before making the decision to adopt a companion animal, think about your reasons for wanting a pet and how s/he will fit into your life. The following considerations can help you choose a pet that will be a good fit with your family and lifestyle.
- How settled is your life? Are you expecting major lifestyle changes over the next several months or years? A pet that fits into your life today needs to fit in for the foreseeable future.
- Do you or other household members have allergies to pets?
- Do you want your pet to be a part of an active lifestyle, more of a couch potato or somewhere in between?
- Can you afford a pet? The costs of owning a pet can be high. Licenses, spaying and neutering, veterinary care, grooming,
toys, food, litter and other expenses add up quickly.
- How much time do you have every day to take care of a pet (feeding, grooming, exercising, training and socializing)?
- Is someone at home on a regular basis to give the animal lots of attention and love?
- Do you travel often?
Companion animals need to live indoors and be part of the family.
Think about your living situation:
- Is your home appropriate for your new pet?
- Are there any restrictions concerning pets in your home, e.g., landlord permission, pet deposits, condo restrictions, etc.?
- Do you have enough space for the type of pet you are thinking about?
- All pets make some kind of mess. Will your pet be given free range of your entire home or just certain areas? If the pet will be restricted to a certain area, is the restricted space adequate?
The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter receives both purebred and mixed-breed animals. It’s important to learn about breed and gender characteristics before you adopt:
- Understanding the behaviors of your chosen pet is very important. Every animal is an individual, but some behaviors and characteristics can be influenced by breed.
- In some purebreds, over-breeding has led to temperament and/or genetic problems. If you are considering a purebred animal, take the time to learn about any potential issues or concerns. Breed-specific rescue sites are usually the most helpful.
- If you are considering a mixed-breed, investigate each breed in the combination.