Relevant Resources
What to Do if You Suspect an Animal is Abused or Neglected
We count on our residents to be an extra set of eyes and ears in our community to look after those who cannot speak for themselves. We appreciate information that is given to us to help protect the welfare and safety of pets and people in our community.
Please get as much information as possible. Try to find out the condition of the animal, their living conditions and the address where the animal is kept. Call Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter at 831-454-7200. You can remain confidential, but it is important to leave your name and number in case the officer has trouble locating the animal or for follow-ups in the future.
The Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter enforces California Penal Code 597 which makes it illegal to abuse or neglect an animal. If you feel that an animal is being neglected or abused, please contact the Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter at 831-454-7200.
Once a complaint has been lodged, an officer will investigate. If animal cruelty charges are filed, fines and/or jail time could be assigned, and the animal may be able to be re-homed into a loving family.
What is animal abuse?
Sometimes abuse of an animal is obvious, but often it is the less obvious neglect cases that are seen in our own neighborhoods. For instance, a dog left in the backyard with no shelter or a cat living in an unsanitary environment. It is these cases of neglect where we rely on you to step forward and report these crimes.
Abuse violations – torture, torment, mutilation, cruel beating and cruel killing – take many forms. Torment need not be physical in nature; an animal can be tormented by baiting or teasing, or a pattern of intimidation by yelling or threatening physical harm.
Serious physical abuse, if not witnessed, may be hard to detect because the physical evidence, such as bruising and abrasions, may be hidden by hair. Visible evidence of physical abuse includes limping, swelling, bloody urine and broken teeth. Hand shyness, timidity, cowering and fear biting are behaviors symptomatic of abuse, particularly if the animal exhibits these behaviors in the presence of the abuser.